THe box step
The Box Step
Sometimes on the dance floor other dancers may be blocking your way. To allow them to move on you can use a "holding step" - a move that keeps you in the same area of the dance floor. In the Waltz this is known as The Box Step.
Sometimes on the dance floor other dancers may be blocking your way. To allow them to move on you can use a "holding step" - a move that keeps you in the same area of the dance floor. In the Waltz this is known as The Box Step.
the box
lead follow
1. Small step forward with left foot 1. Small step back with right foot
2. Small step to right side with right foot 2. Small step to left side with left
3. Close left foot to right foot keeping weight 3. Close right foot to left
on left foot keeping weight on right foot
4. Small step back with right foot (see tip below)4. Small step forward with left foot
5. Small step to left side with left foot 5. Small step to right side with
right foot
6. Close right foot to left foot keeping weight 6. Close left foot to right foot
on right foot keeping weight on left foot
2. Small step to right side with right foot 2. Small step to left side with left
3. Close left foot to right foot keeping weight 3. Close right foot to left
on left foot keeping weight on right foot
4. Small step back with right foot (see tip below)4. Small step forward with left foot
5. Small step to left side with left foot 5. Small step to right side with
right foot
6. Close right foot to left foot keeping weight 6. Close left foot to right foot
on right foot keeping weight on left foot
After using the box step, if the way forward is clear you can continue with the forward basic.
On step 4 the lead should apply slight pressure with their right hand on the followers back to ease them forward for their 4th step
On step 4 the lead should apply slight pressure with their right hand on the followers back to ease them forward for their 4th step