What is Cancer?
Normal cells that turn cancerous had specific jobs to do. But when they turn cancerous they throw that specialization aside. Cancer cells don't evolve; they devolve and do not require a lot of oxygen to survive. In fact, it is in a low oxygen environment they thrive being normal cells reacting to high acidity in the blood. Cancer cells become cancer cells because they are normal cells that cannot live in any other way. In order to survive and flourish they give up their specific functions in the body and devolve to a lower level of life that is not so demanding of them. They become cancer cells in order to survive, not because they want to be cancer cells!
Importance of pH levels.
pH level simply put is how acidic or alkaline our blood is.The more acidic the blood, the lower the pH, the less oxygen is available for use by the cells. Its the same mechanism involved when acid rain "kills" a lake. The fish literally suffocate to death because the acid in the lake "binds up" all of the available oxygen. The oxygen hasn't gone anywhere, its just no longer available.
Conversely, if you raise the pH of the lake, make it more alkaline, oxygen is now available and the lake comes back to life. Its worth noting that cancer is related to an acid environment (lack of oxygen) - the higher the pH the harder it is for cancer to survive.
Normal cells that turn cancerous had specific jobs to do. But when they turn cancerous they throw that specialization aside. Cancer cells don't evolve; they devolve and do not require a lot of oxygen to survive. In fact, it is in a low oxygen environment they thrive being normal cells reacting to high acidity in the blood. Cancer cells become cancer cells because they are normal cells that cannot live in any other way. In order to survive and flourish they give up their specific functions in the body and devolve to a lower level of life that is not so demanding of them. They become cancer cells in order to survive, not because they want to be cancer cells!
Importance of pH levels.
pH level simply put is how acidic or alkaline our blood is.The more acidic the blood, the lower the pH, the less oxygen is available for use by the cells. Its the same mechanism involved when acid rain "kills" a lake. The fish literally suffocate to death because the acid in the lake "binds up" all of the available oxygen. The oxygen hasn't gone anywhere, its just no longer available.
Conversely, if you raise the pH of the lake, make it more alkaline, oxygen is now available and the lake comes back to life. Its worth noting that cancer is related to an acid environment (lack of oxygen) - the higher the pH the harder it is for cancer to survive.
Bicarbonate of Soda
It is no coincidence that bicarbonate is known as an "antacid", i.e. against acid. Sodium bicarbonate medical treatments are the time honoured method to "speed up" the return of the body's bicarbonate levels to normal. It is already in wide use and has been for decades, even by oncologists who want to help their patients because of the tremendous toxicity of some treatments. In relation to bicarbonate, millions of people in the world either consume bicarbonate ions in drinking water or have been treated clinically with bicarbonate in hospitals or medical centers. Sodium Bicarbonate helps to save countless lives every day.
This doesn't mean you should immediately start drinking lots of "Andrews Liver Salts". One of the safest ways to get more sodium bicarbonate into your system is to find a toothpaste that has it. In the "old days" bicarbonate of soda was used a a tooth whitener.
Anyone on a sodium restricted diet and people with high blood pressure, cardiovascular or kidney disease should not take sodium bicarbonate.
For more on how bicarbonate through medical research has countered cancers go to the Dr Sircus site.
It is no coincidence that bicarbonate is known as an "antacid", i.e. against acid. Sodium bicarbonate medical treatments are the time honoured method to "speed up" the return of the body's bicarbonate levels to normal. It is already in wide use and has been for decades, even by oncologists who want to help their patients because of the tremendous toxicity of some treatments. In relation to bicarbonate, millions of people in the world either consume bicarbonate ions in drinking water or have been treated clinically with bicarbonate in hospitals or medical centers. Sodium Bicarbonate helps to save countless lives every day.
This doesn't mean you should immediately start drinking lots of "Andrews Liver Salts". One of the safest ways to get more sodium bicarbonate into your system is to find a toothpaste that has it. In the "old days" bicarbonate of soda was used a a tooth whitener.
Anyone on a sodium restricted diet and people with high blood pressure, cardiovascular or kidney disease should not take sodium bicarbonate.
For more on how bicarbonate through medical research has countered cancers go to the Dr Sircus site.