Blood Pressure - Hypertension
Blood pressure is the force at which your heart pumps blood around the body and is recorded with 2 numbers. The higher of the numbers (systolic) is an indication of when the heart is pumping the lower number (diastolic) is the resistance to the blood flow in the blood vessels. It’s widely publicised that high and low blood pressure can induce health problems.
The normal blood pressure range for adults comes in between 90/60mmHg and 120/80mmHg. This means that anything below 90/60mmHg mark constitutes low pressure (hypotension), while anything above 140/90mmHg indicates high pressure (hypertension) as this is the threshold where a medical professional would actively monitor your blood pressure.
The normal blood pressure range for adults comes in between 90/60mmHg and 120/80mmHg. This means that anything below 90/60mmHg mark constitutes low pressure (hypotension), while anything above 140/90mmHg indicates high pressure (hypertension) as this is the threshold where a medical professional would actively monitor your blood pressure.
Co Enzyme Q10 (Co Q10) is a nutritional supplement used around the world as a heart energizer. Researchers found that in most of the cases of heart problems, there was an associated deficiency of CoQ10. On the corollary, all the well functioning hearts had an adequate amount of CoQ10 in the tissue. Furthermore, when supplemental CoQ10 was administered, the ailing hearts started showing signs of new life.
Use with caution if you are using Warfarin or have thyroid problems. Consult your medical practitioner if in doubt.
Use with caution if you are using Warfarin or have thyroid problems. Consult your medical practitioner if in doubt.
Serra Enzyme™ is the Serrapeptase enzyme that earned the title... ‘The Miracle Enzyme’.
Its wide use throughout the past 30 years, 23 studies, successful use by doctors throughout the world. Along with a fantastic library of testimonials, you may find this a worthy addition to a healthy daily diet.
Serra Enzyme™ 80,000IU tablets are Nutrateric® enteric coated, phthalate free, and are taken on an empty stomach to ensure that they are activated in the small intestine rather than in the stomach. There are no known side effects or interactions with any prescription drug or other supplements.
Serra Enzyme™ is the Serrapeptase enzyme that earned the title... ‘The Miracle Enzyme’.
Its wide use throughout the past 30 years, 23 studies, successful use by doctors throughout the world. Along with a fantastic library of testimonials, you may find this a worthy addition to a healthy daily diet.
Serra Enzyme™ 80,000IU tablets are Nutrateric® enteric coated, phthalate free, and are taken on an empty stomach to ensure that they are activated in the small intestine rather than in the stomach. There are no known side effects or interactions with any prescription drug or other supplements.
Beetroot juice may help lower your blood pressure. Researchers found that people who drank 8 ounces of beetroot juice daily lowered both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Nitrates, compounds in beetroot juice that convert into nitric acid in the blood and help widen and relax blood vessels, are thought to be the cause.