Developing your Dancing
Having practised the basics you can progress to some new, easy moves. These moves will help you turn to new lines of dance or, avoid bumping into other dancers.
The first move, the Reverse Pivot Turn, doesn't mean you go backwards. It is a useful way of turning to a new line of dance or, if you repeat it 4 times you will be in the same place - very useful if someone ahead is blocking your progression!
1. Small step forward left foot, leaving right foot 1. Small step back right foot
behind you
2. Rock back onto right foot keeping right hand 2. Rock forward onto left foot
firmly in place to stop follower moving back
3. Small step to left side making 1/4 turn to left 3. Right foot to side turning with lead
4. Close right foot to left foot keeping weight on 4. Close left foot to right foot keeping weight
right foot on left foot
The next move is known as the side step move. These steps are done almost on the spot and are useful is someone is blocking your way, or the lead needs time to gather their thoughts for the next steps!
1. Left foot small step to left side 1. Right foot small step to right side
2. Tap right foot to left foot, no weight on right foot 2. Tap left foot to right foot, no
weight on left foot
3. Move right foot to right side 3. Move left foot to left side
4. Tap left foot to right foot, no weight on left foot 4. Tap right foot to left foot, no
weight on right foot
5. Move left foot to left side 5. Move right foot to right side
6. Close right foot to left foot, keep weight right foot 6. Close left foot to right foot, keep
weight left foot
7. Move left foot to left side 7. Move right foot to right side
8. Tap right foot to left foot, no weight on right foot 8. Tap left foot to right foot, no
weight on left foot
9. Move right foot to right side 9. Move left foot to left side
10. Tap left foot to right foot, no weight on left foot 10. Tap right foot to left foot, no
weight on right foot
11. Move left foot to left side 11. Move right foot to right side
12. Close right foot to left foot, keep weight right foot 12. Close left foot to right foot, keep
weight left foot
Although the steps may seem complicated, with practise it will be a handy step to add to your dancing. After this sequence the lead will continue with a forward basic, starting with the left foot.
In dancing you will encounter steps named "touch" or "tap". All this means is that you do not put weight onto that foot - so if you "tap" with the right foot you will then use the right foot again as your next step.